A scientist's procedure for keeping body parts functioning is turned against him when a demented assistant decapitates him and keeps his head alive in the laboratory. The scientist's brain is preserved in order to assist in a far more demonic experiment-the attachment of his hunchbacked nurse's head to the body of a voluptuous stripper.
Descending into the world of The Head is a similar experience to that of a nightmare, where the landscape is compose of dead trees, dark passageways and sinister operating rooms, populated by the extremes of society-hunchbacks, strippers and madmen. When the scientist reveals his gruesome masterpiece-the dismembered head kept alive by wires, machines, and 'Serum Z'-silent, transfixed horror is the only possible reaction. The mysterious atmosphere is enhanced by stark, imposing sets designed by Herman Warm (known best for his work on The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) and a haunting gothic music score.
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