An interesting film from the 1970's, part of a string of movies -- such as SOYLENT GREEN, THE OMEGA MAN, DAMNATION ALLEY, A BOY AND HIS DOG,etc. --which deal with civilization after some violent cataclysm. Yul Brynner was no spring chicken when he did this role but performs well. Max Von Sydow as the Baron (originally it was to been called THE BARONEY) delivers as a man struggling to keep the people in his charge from being overcome by the violent forces outside his compound and from extinction. In some ways a precurser to the MAD MAX films. Then there is Big Bill Smith. Has anyone ever played better-- and more -- crazed over the edge psychos than this son of a gun? I think not. In an interview he said that in his death scene, while rats ran over him, one actually crapped in his mouth. Now that's taking one for the team! This was written and directed by Robert Clouse ,who, in the same year , helmed Bruce Lee's ENTER THE DRAGON.
As for BATTLE BENEATH THE EARTH ... a boring film with Kerwin Matthews (7TH VOYAGE OF SINBAD, WEREWOLF IN WASHINGTON D.C.). It seems longer than its actual running time.
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