This 1970 film is a great, honest, non-hostile, un-biased documentary presentation of the early days and general proceedings of the Church of Satan---possibly the only such one other than Nick Bougas' Speak of the Devil from 1993. While I personally prefer Speak of the Devil because I felt it captured more of LaVey the person---his intelligence, his charisma and his personality---this is nonetheless a gem. It captures the spirit of the time so vividly, and the ritual scenes are very moving, though I am a Satanist so perhaps you would consider me biased. But even from an aesthetic standpoint, the stunning gothic solemnity and high nobility of these dark ceremonies will make you feel SOMETHING I hope. If not, check your pulse. I also especially like that a lot of this documentary is dedicated to speaking to regular everyday people in the area and letting them talk about how they feel about having the Church of Satan in their neighborhood. Some are supportive, some quite displeased. If you are a Satanist or are at all interested in the Church of Satan's history, check this out. Now I don't know quite what to say about the bizarre hypersexual Z-movie Sinthia: The Devil's Doll which seems almost like a random thing to slap onto a DVD with this serious documentary. I love incredibly weird movies though, so I didn't mind, but the squeamish and faint-of-heart will find themselves skipping out on the bonus film.
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